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Cross Road Community Church

​One Hope. One Love. One Lord. One Mission.


Jesus calls us to take up our cross and follow Him. We believe that when His
church follows after Him with their lives, it magnifies His worth, and brings
​glory to His name. Join us as together we travel down the Cross Road...


February's Magnifying Memory Verse
Sing to the Lord, all the earth: Proclaim His salvation day after day.
1 Chronicles 16:23 (NIV)

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness;
   come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God.

Psalm 100:1-3a

Please join us as we worship our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ

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Service Times

Sunday Morning Coffee and Bible Study: 9:30 am (All ages)

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:45 am

* Sunday Evening Worship: 6:30 pm   

* No evening service on the 1st Sunday of the month

Wednesday Bible Studies: 7:00 pm (All ages)
** Wed. Meal begins at 6:15 pm / Prayer time at 6:50 pm

Nursery is provided for all Sunday morning and Wednesday evening meetings.

Our  Podcast

Pastors Don & Denver with the BIG JESUS Podcast

The BIG Jesus podcast seeks to encourage followers of Christ to live out the Biblical truth found in John 3:30 that Jesus must become greater!

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